Thursday, November 19, 2009

"One dead easy." One hookah - 400 cigarettes!

Homeland hookah consider whether America, or Africa. Coming to Asia, he gained great popularity, as there was that smoking - a lot of quality tobacco. Writes new today kalyanschiki like to appeal to the long history of smoking hookah, they say, thousands of years people smoked, and all was well with what would now deny yourself this. But if the matter was taken to the World Health Organization, it is probably worth thinking about the safety of hookah.
Tobacco as tobacco
WHO experts say that smoking hookah is not a safe form of tobacco use and can be addictive. Misconceptions about the dangers of traditional oriental tobacco led to its widespread use in the last decade, particularly among youth. Duty phrase amateur hookah, which they lure newcomers: "He's not harmful, it's not cigarettes. Here, the smoke is mild and sweet. Tobacco smoke contains powerful carcinogens harmless? Fantastic assumption.
- When burning tobacco into a 4 thousands of chemical elements and compounds, of which 80 substances that cause cancer, in the first place - the lungs - Stance explained Otto, PhD, head physician of the Kiev urban health center. - This includes carbon monoxide, acetone, benzopyrene (one of the strongest carcinogens), butane, cadmium (harming the liver, kidneys and brain), arsenic (poison that affects the nervous system), polonium-210 (a radioactive element), propylene glycol, phenol (chemical pesticides), lead (damages the brain cells), formaldehyde (a toxic chemical), toluene (dangerous toxic component of pine resin and oil), hydrogen cyanide (kills the immune system of the lungs).
Unfortunately, supporters hookah sessions are hoping that most of the harmful substances do not reach the body, because the smoke passes through the filters and clean water. And to convince them otherwise oh how difficult.
- In this smoke a lot more tar than cigarettes, and thus is a great burden on the lungs and heart. The basis of the same water pipe - the same as that for cigarettes, tobacco, dried, but on special technologies and soaked in fruit molasses - continues Otto A..
Several years ago, German experts of the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment for Health in Berlin were concerned about the kalyanokureniya. After long examinations, they concluded that while smoking hookah body can absorb more harmful than smoking the strongest cigarettes without filter. Filter and water do not stop the hazardous substances, and the smoke is cooled, and this contributes to the fact that he comes to the most remote parts of the lungs. Studies have shown: the content of nicotine in the blood of hookah smokers are several times higher than that of conventional cigarettes or smoking tobacco.
"One dead" light
But the Egyptian study really amazed the medical world. Professionals built the cylinder like a human lung. Inside it was placed plunger to simulate inhalation and exhalation of tobacco smoke. The device was designed so that after a full cycle of the piston in it left just enough smoke, what settles in the lungs of a smoker. All the smoke after the experiment was subjected to detailed physical and chemical analysis. At the same time, scientists have observed for hookah smokers to find out how much time is spent on their smoking and how long to delay the smoke in the lungs after a delay. The findings of the observational data were entered into a computer, which controls the apparatus that simulates smoking a hookah, and processed.
Every year from tobacco smoking in the world dying around 6 million people. WHO warns: "If we did not throw a cigarette now, by 2030 this figure will increase to 8 million. By the way, Ukraine ranks first in Europe for smokers. Every year in our country, smoking kills more than 100000 people.
It turned out, the consumption of 25 grams of tobacco in hookahs are smoking 60 cigarettes. While American scientists assert: supposedly you can safely call the numbers 200-400, they say, everything depends on the manner of smoking and quality of tobacco. Another bad news for lovers of shisha was the conclusion of experts that the constant inhalation of 500-600 cubic centimeters of smoke leads to a loss of elasticity of the lungs, resulting in growing and lose their ability to effectively get rid of harmful substances.
The worst thing is that the bulk of kalyanschikov - non-smokers, teenagers, women. But for them a "safe, soft and tasty" smoke - a straight road to cancer, the transition to smoking marijuana, the birth of children with abnormalities. By the way, the overall use of a mouthpiece hookah smoke contains some risk of contracting serious infectious diseases, including tuberculosis.
Stance Otto, PhD
- Besides that smoking affects the physical health, it destroys his psyche. When the body is nicotine is a state of euphoria, pleasure, happiness, disrupting the brain's natural balance of hormones of happiness - endorphins. As a result, the smoker becomes irritable, then, then apathetic or depressed and requires constant dose. Man can not live without cigarettes, even at night and waking up to smoke. The dependence of this makes one substance in tobacco - nicotine. And smoking a hookah also undoubtedly cause dependence.
Victor Kovalenko, engineer
- I do not think hookah harmful, because of its smoke quite often - several times a week - and not feel bad. I used to smoke cigarettes - on a half packs a day. After this morning coughing badly, I could not sleep, do not smoke. And from a hookah is not coughing, he relaxes and helps to "stop time". Since an hour you're just sitting or lying down and sip the smoke. Most often smoke with friends - banana, grass. I think that this problem is exaggerated, but no one did not ukurivaetsya.

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